Pack Your Trunks

As I alluded to before, B and I are on the move.  Waaaaay back in February, we came home to a letter from The Ohio State that offered B a place in one of their Ph.D. programs.  Hooray!  We flew out to see the campus, meet the people, and get the true feel of what it would be like to become Buckeyes (and I got the email from Goodwill NNE about blogging for them!). 

The campus was HUGE!  It was definitely a beautiful campus, and I thoroughly enjoyed visiting with B.  I did not, however, enjoy some of the quirks to the campus, i.e. one professor who told me it was “cute” that I was a public school teacher.  Um, back up, woman.  You do the same. damn. thing.  If I called your job cute, you wouldn’t like it, would you?  Please put that holier than thou attitude away and come up with a better statue for your theatre department lobby.  My thoughts aside, I let B feel out whether the program would be the right fit for him.  I could continue to mock that professor in my head if need be.The next letter came from a smaller liberal arts college in Boston.  Boston, where a lot of our friends live.  Boston, where B went to school already for his undergrad and his Master’s.  Massachusetts, where I am already certified to teach.  Hmmm… this had potential.  But, of course, B had to check it out on his own (no vacation time for me on this one!) and feel it for himself.  He seemed pretty excited when he returned, so I had my fingers crossed for the financial statement to be in our favor.

So it was down to two.  B had applied to three, but school numero three decided to drag its feet and we wrote them off.  You snooze, you lose, suckah!  Please read that in your head using Mr. T voices.

Or so we thought.  Yeah, UMaryland decided to give B a very tempting offer, so he jumped on a plane at 4 AM, toured the campus, met the people, and then jumped back on a plane to get home by midnight.  It was a long day for him, to say the least.  He was very tempted by their financial aid offer, and the flexibility of the program was a definite bonus.

The decision period was LOOOOOOONNNGGGGG.  I set my own deadline for him to make up his frickin mind already! a well thought out decision for our future, and he made it right before Easter.  Drum roll, please!  These boxes (almost all of which are JUST our BOOKS!) will be moving on down to Massachusetts in a few short weeks!  The school B will be attending has a great reputation, a great location, and a pretty solid financial offering, which means that we will be getting paid for him to attend in addition to me bring in the real bacon.  I never thought I would be the breadwinner as a public school teacher.  I suppose B should just start calling me his sugar mama.

So this is our life in boxes… or at least our bookshelves in boxes.  August 5 is the day.  Have I mentioned how much I hate packing up all of my belongings and praying they fit into all of my family’s cars and a rental truck?  Oh sure, it may fit, but where is it all going to go in our new apartment?  Where, I ask, WHERE?!

Swap With Friends

Have you caught it yet?  Spring cleaning?  You know it will get you as the weather starts to get a little warmer.  I think we all go through times, maybe not even in the spring, when we just have to get rid of the stuff we don’t use anymore.  We have the urge to purge clutter and get something newer and fresher in.  Maybe it’s from staring at it too long during the winter.  Maybe you have changed weight over the winter and need something new.  Maybe you’re moving.  Maybe you are just incredibly bored.  Maybe your students have made your clothing choices into a game to see how many times you wear the same type of pants in a month… oh… that’s just me?

Getting a whole new wardrobe seems out of the question, though.  I mean, with everything I just had to pay for with taxes, there is no way I could ever afford to buy a bunch of new clothing, even at Goodwill and thrift store prices.  A few pieces here or there would be cool, but a full new wardrobe?  My husband would have my head.  So what is a bored girl to do?  Clothing swap!

For those of you who are new to swaps, they are when you bring a bunch of clothing you wish to be rid of and have others do the same.  You then swap your old clothing for new-to-you pieces that others have brought with them.  It’s pretty simple in concept and pretty awesome in execution.  I went to the SwapMaine event last October (can’t wait for their spring event!), and it ROCKED.  I was hooked on swaps from there.

Then, when I was still on that misguided adventure of only spending $10 a month on clothing, my friend Amy sent me a giant box of clothing she didn’t wear anymore.  Amy lives in Texas, and I guess their thrift shops down there just aren’t as great as here, so she thought her clothing would do more good with me here in Maine.  And when I say it was a giant box, I mean giant.  Look, I fit into it!Within that box was a treasure trove of clothing, some of which I have made good use of and some of which will be going to the SwapMaine event for the spring.

New York and Company Streetwear Gray Linen Skirt:  Paid: $0 / Retail: $29.95, on sale right now for $8.98

Verdict?  Keep for now.  I think I can rock this when it gets warmer at work because of its length.  The waistline is a little on the big side, though, so I might pass it on if I reach my lower weight goal.

Gap Tan Bermuda Shorts: Paid: $0 / Retail: $39.95

Gap Black Bermuda Shorts: Paid $0 / Retail: $39.95

Verdict?  Both are keepers.  Again, these are pieces that fit and I can wear to work when it gets warmer.  They are also incredibly soft and in great shape.

Gap Tan Shorts: Paid: $0 / Retail: $39.95

Gap Brown Shorts: Paid: $0 / Retail: $39.95

Gap Teal Shorts: Paid: $0 / Retail: $39.95

Verdict?  Keep, keep, keep!  I am always in need of different shorts that fit, and these fit the bill.  The teal is also super on trend for the summer, which will add some lovely color to my wardrobe.

Gap Tan Pants: Paid: $0 / Retail: $49.95

Verdict?  Well, originally, it was keep, but now that I have worn them once, they need to go.  I could button them all the way up and then pull them off without undoing anything.  I don’t think that means they fit.  They are great pants, but they could be great pants on someone else.

H&M Gray Wide-Leg Pants: Paid: $0 / Retail: $34.95

Verdict?  These will be leaving me as well, only because the legs are way too wide for my taste.  I like pants with slimmer profiles, and these don’t fit into that category.  They fit okay, but if I don’t like the style, I am sure someone else will get better use of them.

Old Navy Black Side-Zip Trousers: Paid: $0 / Retail: $29.94

Verdict?  Super cute, and they will be staying.  They fill a niche that my other black pants don’t fill, so they add a little bit of variety to my black pants menagerie.  Well… as much as black pants possibly can…

Old Navy Red Terry Cloth Skirt: Paid: $0 / Retail: $26.94

Yuva Wide-Leg Trouser Jeans: Paid: $0 / Retail: $35.00

Verdict?  They’re going.  Both of them are waaayyy too big for me, and with my weight goals, I don’t want to keep any clothes in my wardrobe “in case” I get larger.  No thanks.  I was really hoping that they would both fit, but sadly, they didn’t.  Someone else can rock them!

WWF “Green Chic” T-shirt: Paid: $0 / Retail: $31.00

Verdict?  It’s pretty cute, but the fit isn’t totally what I want.  I’m keeping it for now, but it may end up in the swap pile last minute.  We’ll see.

Iz Black Dress with Studded Belt: Paid: $0 / Retail: $48.00

Verdict?  Keeper!  I know how many black dresses I have, but this (yet again) is a different style.  I like it, and the belt is awesome!  Worst case scenario, I keep the belt and get rid of the dress at some point.

So I got some great pieces for spring and summer just by encouraging people to donate clothing.  Sounds pretty awesome, right?  Well, you can do it too!  Get some friends together and swap!  You can start small with accessories or you can just go for it all at once.  Try it out!  It’s totally worth the effort.

If you would like tips for hosting your own swap party, check out this post on Goodwill New England’s blog (nope, I didn’t write this one!).

So, thanks Amy!  I love the clothes, and the ones I’m not keeping will be loved by someone else as soon as SwapMaine hosts their spring event.

Have you ever gone to a swap event?  What do you do when you get tired of your clothing?

Sightful Sunday: They Call Me Mellow Yellow

Is that song about drugs?  I am always the last to know what those songs are about.  Some of them are just too deep in metaphor.  Either way, I like yellow, not drugs.  Hugs not drugs, kids.  For real.  And who couldn’t use some sunshine in life right now?  This girl could!  Bring on the yellow!


And yes, that last one is me and B at our senior prom.  I really like yellow!  Good Lord, we look so young.

Have a great week, everyone!

The Clothes that Broke My Goal

You all are bad influences!  Look what happens with a little peer encouragement pressure!  Remember how I had this grand plan on only spending $10 a month for the year on clothing?  Yeah, well, I’ve kissed that goodbye.  Because of the responses I got on Twitter and Facebook, I decided to have a little more freedom in what I find thrifting (well, I did, but now I am completely cut off for a little bit… but that’s for another post).  So these are the purchases that started out so innocently, but they were the budget plan killers.  Granted, these shopping trips were rather spaced out throughout the month, but still!  Look!  (Oh, and enjoy!)


Merona tan faux-fur boots with tassel:  ORIGINAL PRICE: $35 / PAID: $14.38 (no longer available online)

The first piece (or pieces) were from Target.  Now, I was fully willing to let these eat up my monthly budget until April because I really did need new winter fashion boots (sorry, L.L. Bean, your boots just don’t look good with anything but snow pants).  These babies were totally worth it.  I call them my “grown-up Uggs.”  The tops are faux fur with a suede boot body.  The lining is quite thick and the shafts of the boots stay up on their own.  And how cute are those tassels?  I found them on clearance, so they were quite a bit off from what they originally were.  I snatched them up and resigned myself to no more purchases until my birthday in April.

But then.  Then there was…


Ralph Lauren black wool coat with faux-fur collar:  PRICE ON TAG: $9.99 / PAID: $9.00 / RETAIL: ~$130

It’s always Goodwill, isn’t it?  I should have seen it coming.  Well, I guess I kind of did.  When I found this jacket, though, uggghhhh.  I knew it was a great steal.  I KNEW IT.  I put it back the first time I saw it and tried to stay strong.  That didn’t work.  It was Ralph freakin’ Lauren!  Hi, my name is Erin and I am a label snob.  (Hi, Erin.)  If I kept going with my budget plans, this would have thrown me into no purchases until May.  May.  And it was January.  No bueno.  So I decided to give it up.  I wanted that jacket.  Yes, it’s gluttony.  I fully admit my problem.  But the fur collar sold me.  It’s in pristine condition and looks so great on.  Sold and sold.  Sorry, budget plans.  Check you later.

So thus my budget died.  Oh well.  It just makes way for a more interesting closet and some excellent hauls!  You know you love it more now that I could spend more… you know it.

Location, Location, Location: Buy The Pound Goodwill Warehouse and Haul

Things you get to buy by the pound:  fruit, veggies, candy, meat… clothing?  Clothing!  This past weekend, B and I took a trip to have a new adventure:  to find out what the deal was at the new Buy The Pound Goodwill warehouse in Gorham, Maine.  I have been reading news bulletins from Goodwill about it for the past month and a half as they geared up to open the facility, and I have been so excited to check out how it works.  Plus, you know it’s going to be an adventure.  When B found out there was a bunch of books up for the snatching, he was in, too.  Cue a Saturday day trip!

We arrived at the center around 2 PM and didn’t drag ourselves myself out of there until around 5 PM.  I had no idea we had been in there for so long!  In those hours, though, I came to the realization that someone who is new to the thrifting game should go in with some tips… some major tips, if they want to find the goods and survive.

Tip #1:  Be patient.  This is such a big one.  The clothes (men’s, women’s, and children’s), the bed linens, random scraps of fabric, everything cloth related is thrown into big bins with no system of organization.  You have to dig, people!  You can’t just stay on the surface and expect to find the great clothes.  Most of the time, the clothing that’s on the top has been picked over by everyone else who has come through, and if it hasn’t been snatched up yet, there may in fact be something wrong with it.  Maybe not, but it makes you wonder why no one else wanted to pick it up.  The shoes also aren’t tied together, which can equal lots of time trying to find the matching shoe.  I decided to give up on that when I couldn’t find a match to the coral pump I had in my hand.  Be patient, dig through the bins, and know that your effort will probably be rewarded!

The bins!  So much clothing!

Tip #2:  If you like it even a little, grab it (politely, of course!).  If you like it, put it in your cart (see tip #3).  Things go so quickly and can get piled under clothing so fast that you can totally lose all of the clothing you thought you liked.  If you like it, put it aside for yourself to try on later.

Tip #3:  Get a cart.  In the typical Goodwill or Salvation Army stores, I try not to get a cart.  It encourages me to pick up more than I want to.  At the Buy the Pound store, however, a cart is a must.  They weigh your purchases in a cart, so you have to have one at the end anyway.  A cart is also great because you can throw anything you like into it and try it all on at the end.  It was also super helpful to get a second cart when trying on your finds because then you can put everything you liked into the new cart, throw what you didn’t into the bins, and keep what you still have to try on separate from everything else.  B was the genius who thought of that one!

Tip #4:  Be polite to the other Buy the Pound shoppers.  Now, this should be a life rule anyway, but the other shoppers can be a real asset when it comes to shopping a store where clothing is all mish-mashed in bins.  I was asked if I wanted to “rotate” or “switch” so many times while checking bins.  If you are working on digging beside someone else, instead of butting into their space when you’re done, you can ask if they want to switch places with you.  You get a new location without being awkward about moving into it.  The other shoppers can also tell you what looks good on you (they did) and you can return the favor (I did).  You help them, they help you.  Everyone wins!

Tip #5:  Bring a cross-body purse and don’t wear your coat in.  These two pieces will keep your hands free, which is important since you’ll be digging through bins with both hands.  You want to make the search as easy on yourself as possible.  When you go to try on clothing, not having a coat will be helpful so you don’t have to lug around other clothing.  Plus, you may get a little warm when you’re digging if you have a jacket on.

Tip #6:  Bring a friend.  The one real downside to the Buy the Pound warehouse is that there aren’t currently any mirrors or dressing rooms for people to try on clothing.  The sales person did tell me that they were going to hang some mirrors, which is super helpful, but it’s also great to bring a friend.  While the clothing is super cheap, you want to know that you’re bringing home clothing that looks good on you.  B was such a help on this, and he is getting really good at communicating what he likes and what he doesn’t like.  Make sure your friend is honest!

Need a friend?  This guy would like to be yours!

Tip #7:  Make sure you give yourself a couple of hours.  I honestly lost all track of time when we were there.  You get so into the digging that you never think to look at a clock.  Leave yourself more time than you would typically give yourself at a standard thrift store.  It’s not organized, so make sure you leave some room in your schedule.

Tip #8:  Bring hand sanitizer or wet wipes for after.  Yes, this sounds a little gross, but think about it.  These clothes may or may not be washed before they make it to the warehouse.  (Don’t freak out, you can wash it when you get home!)  Since you’ll be digging through huge bins, your hands may get a little dirty.  Have some way of washing them back in your car, and you are good to go!

With those tips, you could find some excellent pieces!  I definitely saw a bunch of true vintage pieces, and I even picked up a couple.  This is what I found and snatched up:

Free People Blue Button-Up Mini Skirt:  Retail: $78.00Vintage Lora Lenox Black Structured Medi Dress:  Retail: ~$50Just look at the adorable ruffle detail on the hip!True Meaning Tan Tweed Jacket: Retail: ~$90(No Brand or Tag!) 1980s Purple Dolman Dress: Retail: ~$40New York and Company Black and White Stripped Hoodie Pullover: Retail: $34.95Kilburne and Finch Brown Geometric Tie: Retail: ~$15.00Cream Crocheted Sweater: Retail: ~$20Judy Bond Jewel Tone Green Blouse: Retail: ~$25Savannah Petites Navy Blue Blazer: Retail: ~$30 (Forgot to take a picture!  Oops!)

Nan Hadden Studio Plum Cropped Cardigan: Retail: ~$30Alfred Dunner Petite Sweater: $37.00Like the cream colored sweater, this sweater also has a great knit pattern to it.Banana Republic Black Tie Sweater: Retail: ~$50Mossimo Pink Sweater: Retail: $17.99Gap Orange V-Neck Sweater: Retail: $26.95L.E.I. Silver Pants: Retail: $21.88Colorifics Purple Clutch: Retail: $33.95 (before having it dyed!)Nine West Yellow Leather Purse: Retail: $79.00 (See above)

Gray and White Tote: Retail: ~$15.00 (See above)

Assorted belts: Retail: ~$15.00 each – Retail: $60 TOTALBooks! Frankenstein: Paid: $0.25 / Retail: $6.99, The Canterbury Tales: Paid: $0.25 / Retail: $8.95, The Body of Christopher Creed: Paid: $0.25 / Retail: $6.95, Antigone: Paid: $0.25 / Retail: $6.99, and The Norton Introduction to Literature Anthology: Paid: $0.50 / Retail: $70.99 – Retail: $100.87 TOTALSo what did we pay for all of this?  Drum roll, please!

TOTAL:  $15.45!  That’s it!  Just $15.45!  The clothing, belts, and purses weighed 10.5 pounds, so we got it for $1.29/pound.  While this location doesn’t take the Goodwill discount card, you can’t beat this type of deal.  Let’s compare, shall we?

Goodwill Total:  $15.45                                         Retail Total:  $855.59

SAVINGS:  $840.14

I think this new Goodwill location is a winner!  Have you visited a new Goodwill location lately?

Sightful Sunday: Blazing the Trail

I don’t know about you, but I love the whole put together look a blazer can create.  You can throw one on over a plain t-shirt and a pair of jeans, and BAM!  You look complete, relatively sophisticated, and ready to go.  Maybe it’s my east coast prepster?

Any which way, here are some of the great blazer looks I have been digging lately:


Don’t they look so easy? And I’ll tell you what… the best place to find inexpensive blazers?  Goodwill!  Love them!

Have a great week!  I’m sure mine will be filled with some fashion experimenting because I’m on vacation!  Hooray for vacay!

Sightful Sundays: Skirting the Issue

Nothing says flirty to me like a lovely skirt.  I love skirts, and if I could get away with wearing them throughout the whole year, I would.  The weather in Maine, though, disagrees with me and like to freeze my legs off.  I think I live in a giant wind tunnel.

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I thought this Sunday would be dedicated to some of the lovely skirts I have been inspired by lately.  It also doesn’t hurt that a few are pink!


Happy weekend and happy beginning to a new week!

Sightful Sunday: Get Caught Necking

Oh February.  You’re so full of chocolate and flowers and conversation hearts, and still your weather sucks.

But at least we have scarves to keep us warm and stylish!


Happy Sunday!  Have a great week!

Visual Shopping List: Ski Bunnies

B and I had the privilege to spend a day on the slopes yesterday with our friends Dave and Dave (yes, they are both named Dave, and they have the same middle name, too).  My school district has a special deal with a local mountain, and we get super discounted rates for lift tickets and rentals.  What could have cost $90 and up per person only cost $20 each.  Super score?  I think so!

Seeing all of the ski bunnies got me thinking about how you can make a fashion statement even when bundled up.  Let’s be honest, in a ski parka, there isn’t much of a body shape.  You are dressing for warmth rather than body shape highlighting.  Color, though, plays a huge role in setting your style on the mountain.  Do you want to stand out?  Do you want to blend in?  Do you want to have some structure to your outfit?  Do you want to look hardcore or do you want to look ready for the apres ski activities?  Your ski outfit can make those statements happen.

The Trendy Fashionista – For those ladies who want to stay up on the latest trends in regular clothing, like the stripes on this jacket.


The Figure-Conscious – The cut of the parka allows for your waistline to look a little more chiseled and defined instead of puffed up.


The Minimalist – If you want to look put together, but you don’t want to stand out (and show up when you end up with a face full of snow), you can wear something with some basic colors and little pops of personality.


The Powder Puff – With all of the fluff around the hood, you’ll look ready for any after skiing activities before you even leave the soft powder of the mountain.


The Standout – There is no way anyone would miss you on the mountain in this jacket!  If you want to show off your moves, pop on this and make sure you don’t fall!


With so many options for skiing looks, you will be sharper than your skis’ edges.  I try to stay as warm as possible, but I could definitely see myself with some of these parkas.  Right now, though, I am rocking this baby:


Soft, fluffy inside, rugged outside.  And don’t even get me started with how gorgeous the purple color is.  It was a very generous gift from my mom and dad for Christmas, and it is just so sleek.  Love it, love it, love it.  And apparently so does everyone else, because it’s sold out in every color in every category except for petites.

What do you rock as winter outerwear?  Do you like to ski?  Which jacket/statement would you like to sport?


Sightful Saturdays: Bundle Up

At the end of the week, we’re all ready for a little down time, right?  So to ring in the weekend, I thought I would give your reading eyes some rest and give you a little style-candy to sweeten up your day!  As a nod to the lovely thumping of snow Maine has gotten lately with super chilly temperatures, I thought I would kick this series off with some winter wardrobe pieces that I love.


Stay warm this weekend!  Let me know if you find anything stylish!