Pinspiration: I Am The Mockingjay (Or At Least My Shirt Is)

Remember way back when when I wrote a post about how I was PUMPED for “The Hunger Games” coming out in March?  Well, I’m still super pumped, and now I have a way to show it!

This was my t-shirt inspiration from Pinterest:


I had planned on making my own shirt like this, but since this tutorial calls for a specific print machine, I decided to do it the super cheap way.  I ran to Walmart, got a dark purple (because I wanted to rock something better than basic black), and some gold glitter paint.  I printed out an outline of the mockingjay shape and cut it out.  I traced around the shape with a dark marker, outlined it in the paint, covered in the middle, and bing, bang, boom!  I have completed a pretty awesome shirt!

Tah-dah!Not too shabby for some paint, a print out, and a steady hand, huh?  I plan on wearing this baby to school this week on Nerd Day for winter carnival spirit week.  And of course I’ll be wearing it in March…